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A Brief History of the

Metaverse and Crypto's Role in It

The term "metaverse" describes the collective virtual spaces where our physical and digital worlds intersect. The concept has been bending the minds of science fiction enthusiasts for ages. However, it has only recently begun to show indications of becoming a reality, with technological advancements and the proliferation of the Internet. The role of blockchain technology in the metaverse has also become increasingly important, as it provides the infrastructure for creating a decentralized and secure platform on which it can be built.


The term "metaverse" was first coined in the early '90s in the sci-fi world. In the years since, the concept of a metaverse has evolved due to recent technological innovations. It has also gained increasing attention as a potential digital platform for both social and economic activity.

The rise of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency has also played an important role in the development of the metaverse. Many projects have already explored it, using these technologies to create decentralized and immersive virtual worlds. This article will provide a brief history of the metaverse and explore crypto's role in its evolution.

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Defining the Metaverse

The metaverse is still not entirely defined. However, the general idea is that it is a virtual space connecting our digital and real-world lives. Some call it the next evolution of the Internet that will make online experiences interactive and immersive.

Defining the metaverse is difficult as it encompasses much more than just a single product, service, or project. Instead, it combines different technologies, such as the Internet, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), artificial intelligence (AI), 3D reconstruction, and the Internet of Things (IoT).

In science fiction where the term "metaverse" originated, it's portrayed as a highly immersive and interactive virtual world. Today, blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies are taking actionable steps to make this concept a reality.

The Web3 movement has shown that the metaverse is not just confined to the sci-fi genre but is something that might already exist. Web3 has been forming an ecosystem that incentivizes developers to build metaverse-like decentralized applications (DApps), such as play-to-earn.(P2E), games. Games like Axie Infinity, The Sandbox. and Decentraland already contain aspects of the metaverse, connecting

elements of players' lives to online


A Brief History of the


Over the years, different ideas and technological advancements have driven us closer to the concept of the metaverse we currently understand. From the concept of binocular vision, through the creation of Bitcoin and Ethereum, all the way to the rebranding of Facebook - the metaverse has a deep foundation.


As mentioned earlier, the metaverse will probably use VR technology to immerse people in digital environments. The earliest instance of VR occurred in 1838, when scientist Sir Charles Wheatstone outlined the concept of "binocular vision," constructing a single 3D image,

This initial research led to the development of stereoscopes, a technology that uses the illusion of depth to create an image - the same technology VR headsets utilize today.


American sci-fi author Stanley Weinbaum published the book 444


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